Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spiritual Politics

Spiritual Principles for a New Economics
© 1996 by Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson

"From our experience and experimentation with different economic systems, and living according to the spiritual laws of manifestation, there seem to be important principles that govern economic well-being. We would like to share these with you, in hopes that they might be useful in your group or individual life. Please use your own intuition in determining their truth and relevance to your own situation - each individual is unique."


Economics literally means "earth household" a key image for understanding what right economics requires. If we care for the planetary economy as we would our own household, we can see that it must work for all members of the earth household, or it will not work for any part of the human family in the long term. Just as we wouldn't tear our house apart to make a fire to keep warm, or dump garbage in our living room, so we must learn to see the larger household of the earth as we do our own. And we must be concerned about the effect of our actions on future generations who will inhabit the earth.


The body of our planet is a living organism, (called "Gaia" by the ancients), and all economic interactions from the individual to the international take place within this body of moving energies. If circulation through the system is blocked through manipulation, hoarding, etc., then all parts of the organism suffer. When there is free circulation of goods, resources and services throughout the body, nourishing all parts of the system, then the system as a whole flourishes. Equally, when the whole is cared for all the parts within it are nurtured.


As individuals develop their creative abilities connected to their spiritual Source, the need to consume from an inner sense of lack transforms into the ability and urge to create and give to the world. We then find our true creation or calling, and trust that what we put forth from our inner Self will be of value to others, and we will receive what we need to live in exchange.


When we realize the great abundance-producing, creative energy and potential within us, we overcome the fear of lack or "scarcity consciousness." We are then able to share as we no longer fear "running out." And when we see with the eyes of unity the polarity of giver and receiver dissolves, as we realize that to receive is also giving the opportunity for others to give.


As we have faith or trust in the abundance of the Life of the Universe we find greater abundance flowing to us. Faith allows us to act "as if" there is abundance and to do what we know is spiritually right for ourselves and others, trusting that it will work out economically for everyone, despite how it may appear to the rational mind. Faith eventually grows into knowing God's law works as we experience it in our lives.


We "prime the pump" of the universe by creating a vacuum in our lives by giving our time, money, energy and love to others. Giving is an act of faith that the abundance of the universe will circulate in return. The ancient law of tithing 10% of all income to spiritual purposes honors the Source from which all abundance emerges.


From a higher perspective, we can ultimately possess nothing on the material level, although it may possess us - (because we are too attached to and worried about it!). We can, however, be good custodians of what God has given us. The Great Economist is highly resource - and energy-efficient, and we harmonize with universal laws when we keep our resource channels clear and flowing. When we care for and improve what has been entrusted to us, and release to others things we don't use, we see a new inflow of abundance. And of course an attitude of gratitude brings plenitude.


Wealth-producing resources are the "common heritage of all mankind," as recognized by the United Nations in the Law of the Sea Treaty. The benefits of developing productive capacity through ideas, technology, labor or capital need to be shared between those who create the innovation and the social-planetary web that makes the production and wealth possible.


Love is the state of being that creates a positive sense of connectedness and allows harmonious economic interaction to take place. In legal terms it is called the "meeting of minds" and is the basis for all contracts, and in business it is called the "goodwill" a business has generated with customers which is assigned a dollar value in the worth of the business. It is the deeper ground of being which gives rise to the values of trust, honesty and fairness.


The attempt to achieve total self-sufficiency and self-centered independence emerges from the dominance of the illusory separativeness of the ego consciousness. As we participate in economic life we learn that we are part of an interdependent web of complex interactions, and changes in one part of the web affect all the participants. Thus establishing just, harmonious and honest relationships is the key to economic well-being for all.


When an individual or business through their labor transforms material substance or provides a service which truly benefits others, without creating harm anywhere, then a fair and equitable profit for the work done is in order. Profit thus allows the service or "good" to be continued to be provided to others. Profit must include considerations of being good for the whole, on all levels both short and long term, or distortions are created.


Money is a symbolic medium of exchange among humanity and represents accumulated human and planetary creative energy. It is essentially neutral and its value depends on the uses to which it is put. The highest view of money is to see it as a sacred trust to be used for the good of all humanity.

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