Tuesday, September 29, 2009

FSU Energy and Sustainability Center

Innovative Alternative Energy Solutions

The Energy and Sustainability Center (formerly Sustainable Energy Science and Engineering Center) addresses challenging alternative energy issues through innovative solutions for consumers and industry. The need for energy systems that have lower emissions of CO 2 and other greenhouse materials is of paramount importance.

Off-Grid Zero Emission Buildings (OGZEB)

ESC is almost finished with the first phase off-grid platinum LEED certified house/office, on FSU's main campus. This house illustrates cutting edge technologies for power systems and appliances. The house also demonstrates environmentally friendly building procedures. From material selection, site selection to clean site requirements and recycling leftover materials, this house rivals the top environmentally friendly buildings in the world.

OGZEB Documentation:

Follow the design and construction of the house
Current Design
OGZEB Features
Who's talking about the OGZEB??
Who is the USGBC??
What is LEED Certification??
Where are LEED Buildings Located??
Initial Proposal
Meet the OGZEB Design Team

The OGZEB team is a group of people from various engineering and architectural firms in Tallahassee that have donated their time and expertise to make the OGZEB. Without their help ESC would never have been able to get this project off the ground.

Meet the OGZEBs Donors

This group has donated several crucial systems and design concepts to the house. These companies have the foresight required to make the dream of this house a reality. Please visit their sites and learn more about how there technologies can help save you money and perserve our environment in the process.

The OGZEB is finishing up its last punch lists making sure everything is up to the standards of the design team. ESC is excited to add the OGZEB to the ranks of our facilities providing a test bed for our technology in a manner that we can not only test but also use. Two offices are planned to reside in the solar house so we can not only test our technology but also live it.

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